Non-profits Arts Management & Marketing

Music in the Mountains, Nevada City, CA

SITUATION: Music in the Mountains is a well-established non-profit classical music organization offering a broad range of concert experiences including their very popular SummerFest event featuring both pops and classical concerts. MMG was brought in to spearhead the marketing and public relations efforts with a special focus on SummerFest.

OBJECTIVE: The goal was to increase overall […]

Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, CA

SITUATION: Roberta McClellan, principal at MMG, was brought in on a contract bases to service as Viewpoint Photographic Art Centers Executive Director. Roberta was hired to help reinforce existing programs, develop new revenue streams and to reach out to the community for new connections, funding and opportunities. This is long-term contract is ongoing and requires […]

Camellia Symphony Orchestra

MMG produces all the season concerts and free family concerts at various venues throughout the Sacramento Region for this non-profit organization. Services have been provided for 10 seasons and include: administrative management, concert production, marketing and public relations, ongoing strategic development. During this time total tickets sales have increase by over 35%. Additionally many new […]

Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission

MMG worked closely with Circle Design and the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission to develop this multi-year public awareness campaign. The goal was to remind Sacramentans to engage in their local arts scene and to promote the new events web site started by SMAC, MMG was on board from campaign inception. MMG helped craft the […]